If you have invested in a Cathodic Protection System, why not measure and understand if it is working reliably and effectively?
Permanently installed live wireless monitoring nodes allow reliable, repeatable measurements without the OPEX cost of deploying ROV or divers to conduct traditional stab cell surveys. Measurements are significantly more reliable and accurate than drop cell surveys. A surface receiver unit can either be monitored locally, or automatically upload data to a cloud location.
Readings captured through live wireless monitoring can be accessed much more frequently than traditional measurement methods.
Get clear data during the polarisation phase of new install CP systems.
Quickly compare levels of protection across multiple locations.
Get early warning of changes in CP performance to effectively plan remedial actions.
Avoid risk of asset life reduction due to undetected reduced levels of protection.
Suitable for monitoring of fixed platform jacket structures, FPSO mooring lines, floating offshore wind mooring lines, monopile foundations, or any distributed CP system.
Verified life extension of jacket structures can avoid early decommissioning.
Verified life extension of mooring chains can avoid early replacement, reducing CAPEX, downtime, and carbon emissions of manufacturing and transporting replacement chains.
More details
- Proven acoustic monitoring.
- Long range communication with multiple remote assets.
- Reduce or remove requirement for hardwire connections, ROV deployment and diver surveys.
- Improve accuracy, repeatability and resolution of measurements.
- Internal battery for up to 10 years deployment.
- Shallow or deep water.
- An alternative solution to ROV or diver stab cell surveys, or drop cell surveys.
- An alternative solution to hard-wired reference cells.
- Platform jackets.
- FPSO mooring chains.
- Floating Offshore Wind mooring chains.
- Monopile foundations

Live Wireless CP Monitoring Sheet 2023