Imenco has made a special Training Course, with special attention to system design, regulation and maintenance. This Training Course is split in between theoretical and practical training.
International regulations states that: “Personnel assigned supervisory and operating responsibilities should be certified as properly trained and competent to undertake systems maintenance, inspections and refuelling of aircraft”. (Reference to 7th edition of CAP 437, chapter 8, section 1.2).
Also, the Norwegian regulations stated that all personnel shall be highly trained in the content of Chapter 5 of the “OLF Helideck manual”. This chapter also states that the HLO has the responsibility of making sure the refuelling process is done according to valid regulations, and that all work in regard to the system is done is a safe manner.
The courses are normally held at our production facility in Grinde (Norway). But training can also be held offshore, in order to give you detailed knowledge about your specific systems.
We offer:
- Training courses according to the international regulation CAP 437
- Training Courses According to Norwegian regulations (OLF helideck manual)
This Training courses is specially made for HLO`s and all other helideck crew involved in refuelling of helicopters.
Please contact us for more information regarding the training courses.